Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm Feeling Grinchy

Yes. I am one of those people. I find most Christmas songs irritating, caroling drives me nuts, and cold, wet snow is only for look at, not for building snowmen in. Christmas is just so commercial. However, I DO love Christmas trees, IF they aren't over-decorated. I love stockings, the smell of fires in the morning, and I LOVE the delicious, home-made clam chowder that my mom makes every year for Christmas Eve. And I love getting paid for wrapping everyone's Christmas presents.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jared and family just left out the door to go to Salt Lake. I'm home alone for the next 36 hours and I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be. I can't believe this morning is the last time I'll see Jared until after I graduate. Everyone is always telling me that my senior year is the fastest, and I hope they're right because Jared is going to be away for a long time...

André is quite awesome. I've laughed so much in the past day in a half. His enthusiasm for going to school amazes me and his new love for peanut butter sandwiches and cheesecake is hilarious. It's fun to watch him try new things.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nevermind...Jared is leaving on friday...wait, definitely friday...

This boy just won't decide when he's gonna leave! I've canceled and canceled so many things! Thank you, little brother. :) I've been a lot less stressed and it's a great excuse for not doing anything: "Jenna, can you come to this meeting we've been planning for a month?" Me: "Oh, I am so sorry, I can't!! Today we're spending time with my brother cuz he leaves on saturday."
and the date regularly changes, so I get out of a number of things! :) ...Oops. Andre comes on Tuesday!!! I'm so freaking excited! Our parking spot for school will say: "Frank and Howard" :D Yay. And we're driving Lavar to school!! That's pretty much the only school-ish thing that I'm excited about. And the fact that it's my last year....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jared Leaves on Saturday!!! And Frank Sinatra is terrific...

For Brazil. And I won't see him til after I graduate. WEIRD. That makes it seem longer. AAH!! I don't know if I'm ready for this. He's only 14 and he's gonna be gone for practically a year! Ugh.
On the good side though...There will be less teen friction in the house...unless Andre turns out to be a jerk, of which I highly doubt he'll be one.
I just discovered that I really like Paramore. Their song "The Only Exception" is tremendous and I just learned how to play it on the guitar. FUN. Also, I'm a little obsessed with Francis Albert Sinatra (:D) and I've read two of his biographies and didn't read the unauthorized one by the girl who just writes trash about him "being in the mafia." HE WAS NOT IN THE MAFIA, PEOPLE. Merg! He KNEW people in the mafia and back then lots of people knew Mafia members and they didn't have to be involved. Anyway. If you ever want a good read, check out "Why Sinatra Matters" by Pete somebody. It was really good. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm on the wii typing this! Can you believe it??

Pretty crazy, huh? Too bad it takes so much time to type on this thing. It's kinda frustrating actually.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sleep is SOO not over rated

Go to one midnight showing and I am just about dead. Oh my holy cow. I got to sleep at about 2:30 am on Wednesday morning and woke up at 8:00 and my body is just having the toughest time recovering and it's been over a day. Not ever doing again...for a while. I'm getting up at 5 tomorrow to leave for SLC at 6, so yeah, I'll be going to bed early tonight...prolly at 10 or something. Daniel is home and I see Kimber and Nick tomorrow. This weekend is the Worwood Family Reunion (plus Eli). It consists of: Mom, dad, Daniel, Kimber, me, Jared, Nick, and Eli. :) Our last chance to be complete before Jared leaves for 29 days. :(

Survivor every day is our family ritual. :) Right now, we're in the middle of Survivor All stars. Daniel and Daddy really want to get on, but they have to wait for the next casting season before they can put in an application. What sillies. MY dream is to get famous for my music off of YouTube. It's a long shot, but it's worth trying for. I just love to perform SO much. I'm in 2 quartets, Chamber and concert choir, a summer musical, and I plan on doing the school's fall musical. Isn't it obvious? It's busy, but SO worth the feeling I get when I'm on a stage. I think I'd prefer to go solo with my guitar, but hey, I'll take any chance I get.

I'm not really my mom's favorite any more, because I've been getting kinda moody. Which is most likely due to lack of sleep. After play practice today, I bought myself some Wendy's and parked on top of 650 and looked over Hurricane while I ate. So peaceful. I highly recommend it.

That's probably enough for today. 'Night.